Discription Earthenware, 17 ash glazes.
Process Ash gained by complete combustion and sifted, washed, separated and mixed before being applied.
2020 - present
Discription Soda-lime glass.
Process Poured on the marver, pressed with a cast-iron weight, spun, and annealed.
2020 - present
Discription Terra cotta greenware, slib.
Process Burnished with a spoon and water.
2020 - present
Discription Float glass, emailles and glazes, paper, pen.
Process Brushed or poured, and dusted. Fired at 560 C.
Discription White stoneware, glaze, iron, stainless steel.
Process Paper clay with extra chamotte, embossed with a mallet, and dried in two-piece wooden moulds.
Photo by Shelby Visser.
Discription Black earthenware, glaze, iron.
Process Handformed and brush glazed.
Photo #1 by Robert Glas
Discription Red earthenware, glaze, iron.
Process Handformed with coils.
Photos by Shelby Visser.
Titel 2018
Max van de Meulengraaf’s artistic practice has materiality of, predominantly, clay and ceramics at its core. He attends to the material from a craftsman’s perspective with care and appreciation. The material deserves to be treated justly and be made into an object of quality – that is to say - an object where its material properties are embraced and cherished.
Simultaneously, materiality is a property of its own, and is not self-evidently known. It is often overlooked and absent from our experience of the object. In addition is the origin of the material unknown to us and the making process invisible in the resulting object. This drives the artist to refamiliarize himself with the material – and to a larger extent - with the land beneath our feet.
Through justly practice, Van de Meulengraaf aims to gain more understanding of the material as its properties, traditional techniques, and functions are explored and embraced – both historically and contemporary. He wants to refamiliarize himself with the materiality through the process of experiments and practice. Through his work, he wants to archive, enjoy, and share this process and he invites the spectator to refamiliarize themselves with the material as well.